Table of Contents Top
Categories of Information Collected
Sources of Information We Collect
Information You provide
Gameplay Information
Information from Third Parties
When We Share Information
Third Parties
Manage Your Communications
Email Unsubscribe
Data Retention
Children's Privacy
Data Security
Other Terms, Third-Party Terms, and Links to Other Sites
Third Party Services
Third Party Websites
Contact Us
Changes to Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

REVISED: April 2, 2024

Vanta Interactive (“Vanta”, “VI”, “we”, “us” and “our”), is a developer and publisher of interactive experiences and entertainment such as games, apps, software and web content. This Privacy Policy explains data practices for the products, services and websites (collectively the “Services”) that we offer to consumers. Do note that this only contains general data practices, and products may have their own Privacy Policy pages that explain their respective data practices in a much more granular manner.

This Privacy Policy applies to Vanta Interactive. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, and keep in mind that our practices and the data we collect may differ depending on how you use the Services. The Services are also subject to any other terms and policies included in our Services. This Privacy Policy supplements privacy disclosures provided with your software product and from your platform manufacturer.

Categories of Information Collected

At this time, we do not knowingly collect any identifiable information about our users based on their interaction with our Services. However, this might change in the future, as we work on our API infrastructure, and implement it based on the requirements of each Service. All services that might require information collection will follow privacy-first principles to ensure we do not collect any information that is not necessary.

If you have contacted us via email or through social media platforms, information such as the user’s public name, user name, gamertag, email address may be used at the time to help in case of a support request. They are not stored anywhere, nor are they shared with anyone, and they are not used for analytics or advertising purposes.

Additionally, be aware that our website host service, GitHub, may have access to, and collect information such as:

Other platforms (Third Parties) such as Steam, Itch and Google Play may have access to, and collect information such as:

Sources of Information We Collect

How we obtain information depends on how you use our Services. For example, we collect information:

Information You provide

You provide us with information when you use the Services, such as when you:

Depending on the Service or your activity, we collect information such as your name, gamertag, email address, software products played and survey data. We combine this information across devices that you use. In case you participate in events, contests, promotions, surveys and/or playtesting, the identifiable data provided is short-lived and discarded as soon as possible. Survey data is purposefully designed to be anonymized and does not contain identifiable data.

Gameplay Information

When you use the Services, we automatically receive information about your gameplay. Gameplay information includes your platform ID or gaming service ID, game achievements, and game scores. We collect gameplay information even if you do not register for the Services. We may combine gameplay information with other information we have about you. We also may use internal and third-party anti-cheat technologies to detect and prevent cheating within our Services.

Information from Third Parties

We fully rely on Third-Party providers such as Steam, Itch, Google Play to share statistics related to player engagement to improve our user research, and to get to know better our user base. These statistics do not contain identifiable information such as names, user names, email addresses, unique IDs.

When We Share Information

As detailed below, we share your information with:


We may create unscheduled posts on social media, or posts on our blog using these collected statistics, that talk about reaching certain goals such as a specific number of users playing one of our Game or to share other interaction statistics with the public.


We use vendors to perform services on our behalf. These vendors provide business, professional or technical support to us, help us operate our business and Services, or administer activities in connection with our business and the Services.

Third Parties

We share your information with third parties as described in this Privacy Policy, including as follows:

Manage Your Communications

We provide the option for you to manage your communications you receive from us. These include the email unsubscribe option.

Email Unsubscribe

You can unsubscribe from marketing emails from Vanta Interactive by using the unsubscribe link provided in the email.

Data Retention

We’ll keep your information for as long as necessary to provide you with the Services, fulfill our legal obligations, and/or exercise, defend or establish our rights.

We may still retain some of your personal information in our files for a reasonable period of time to resolve disputes, enforce our terms and policies, administer our Services, comply with technical and legal requirements, and/or other constraints related to the security, integrity, and operation of our Services, after which we will take steps to delete or archive your personal information.

Children’s Privacy

Generally, we direct our Services to a general audience and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years old (or older, if applicable law provides for different protections). We may direct certain Services to an audience of all ages—including children. For these Services, we may restrict the collection of personal information on the Services from anyone, apply an age gate allowing children to use the Services while restricting the collection of personal information on the Services from children, or get a parent’s permission to collect personal information from children. If we become aware that a child has provided personal information without a parent’s permission, we will promptly delete this information. We encourage parents to instruct their children to never give out their real names, addresses, or phone numbers, without permission, when using the Internet.

Data Security

We follow generally accepted industry standards and maintain appropriate safeguards to help protect the security, integrity, and privacy of the information we collect about you. These security measures are designed to protect against the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, misuse, alteration, and unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, the information under our control. However, no system can be 100% secure and we cannot guarantee our security measures.

Use of our services and products may be subject to other terms and disclosures provided by us, platform manufacturers, and other partners, including: (i) the terms that accompanied your purchase; (ii) terms applicable to online Services; (iii) other terms and disclosures made available to you by us or third parties. We are not responsible for practices on third-party sites that may be linked to the Services.

Third Party Services

If you connect to us through third-party services such as platform, mobile device, gaming, and social networking accounts, that third-party’s terms and privacy policy govern your use of that service. We are not responsible for third-party services.

Third Party Websites

Our Services may direct you to third-party sites. If we link to another site, it is not an endorsement, authorization, or representation of our affiliation with that third party. Please review the privacy policy of the other site before you submit any of your personal information to that site.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. Please check back from time to time to review these changes. If we change this Privacy Policy in a material way, we will provide appropriate notice to you and, as appropriate, provide additional choices regarding such change. As permitted by applicable law, your continued use of the Services means that you accept these changes.